Oh my............. What a week it has been!!! I'm very sorry for the late announcement. I have to be very honest, I did not expect that many comments. I was very happy to get them, but did not expect it. :) So, I did need a few extra days to make sure I got all of your names & blogs written down just incase, but then on top of that, I was having camera troubles. I am happy to say I
finally got it to work. (Although, I definitely need a new camera.)
Before I announce the winner, I would like to thank each and every one of you for your Birthday Wishes and for becoming a follower of our Challenge Blog. I feel horrible for making you all wait this long. As a way of saying Thank You for your patience...... I would like to offer everyone who commented on My Birthday Blog Candy Post a 10% discount on any order placed between 10/19/09 and 10/26/09. The discount will expire at midnight Eastern Standard time on the 26th of October.
LiLi has been looking forward to picking the winner from her Halloween bucket for weeks now. Then after waiting all that time........we had the camera troubles! GEEZ..... In any event, she was so happy to finally pick. She had just got out of the bathtub so please excuse her little nighty. : ) Okay, DRUM ROLL PLEASE...................... And the winner of MY BIRTHDAY BLOG CANDY IS........
WOOOOOO-HOOOOO!!!!!! Congrats Kim Y. Please, email me your address and I will be sure to get your package out to you ASAP. I hope you enjoy all of your goodies! :)
After we picked the first name, my daughter said can we pick one more winner mommy. I said LiLi, mommy only had the one big box of goodies to send out. She said, but we can send a new winner something else. I thought okay let's make a little "Surprise Package" and send it to one more lucky lady. The second winner she chose was.....................

WOOO-HOOOO!!!!!! Congrats to you also Velta! Please email me your address & I will also get your surprise goody bag out to you ASAP!!!
I also wanted to let you all know that Inky Impressions has a Yahoo Group. For all members of the INKY IMPRESSIONS YAHOO GROUP you will receive a 10% discount off of your INKY STAMPS. In addition, we have some really fun contests and other things going on over there......... we hope that you will join us! Hope to see you at the "INKY DINKY DROP HOP" where you will see all of the new Winter images revealed & also some others. You won't want to miss these little cuties!!!! See you at the HOP!!!!!!!!!