Friday, September 24, 2010

Inky Impressions New Release Fall Blog Hop!!!

Hello Everyone, You have made it to the end of the INKY IMPRESSION'S NEW RELEASE FALL BLOG HOP!!! If you haven't arrived here from Crystal's Blog you might want to start back at Inky's Mama's Blog so you don't miss anything along the way!!!

I hope you enjoyed the hop!!!! All these ADORABLE images are AVAILABLE NOW for purchase at the Inky Store. Please comment here and let us know what your favorite image is...we would love to hear your feed back....

One lucky winner will be drawn from one random blog so make sure you left a comment a long the way.... Wanna know what you could win???? your choice of 2 new released images, one sentiment, and a few goodies that are now available at our store!!!!

This hop will end on October 1st at Noon Eastern Time. The lucky winner will be announced on October 2nd!!! Good Luck to everyone!!!!

Have a wonderful Friday!!!!!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Sneak Peek Day 8

Good Morning Everyone Happy Saturday!!! Sorry I am posting late today, for some reason I had it scheduled at the usual time but it didn't go up...sigh!!!! Today I am showing you another FABULOUS Sneak Peek created by our awesome Inkette Cabio. She made this beautiful luminary using LiLi's Pumpkin. Hope you enjoy!!!

WOW Cabio you did an AMAZING job with Miss LiLi!!!! Isn't this fantastic???

Guess What?? It is finally the time to tell you when these cuties will be available...........THEY WILL BE AVAILABLE FRIDAY September 24th.....Mark your Calendars!!! The Inkettes will be doing a hop that day beginning at 7am for a chance to win an AWESOME prize....Stop back Friday and Hop with us and for a chance to win some goodies!!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Sneak Peek Day 7

Good Morning Everyone, Happy Friday!!!!! Hope everyone has had a wonderful week!!! Its time for another fun and fabulous SNEAK PEEK!!! Today I am sharing with you a BEAUTIFUL creation made by Danni, she used the DARLING image LiLi's First Day of School..AVAILABLE SOON...Hope you enjoy your peek today!!!

WOW Danni!!!! What a beautiful card you have created for us!!!! I just LOVE this image and I just can't get enough of her!!!!

Hope you enjoyed this peek today and make sure you stop back tomorrow for our LAST day of sneak peeks. I will be announcing the Release Date Tomorrow......Hope to see you then!!!

Have a GREAT Friday Everyone!!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sneak Peek Day 6

Good Morning Everyone, Happy Thursday!!! Its time for another fun Sneak Peek here at Inky Impressions. Today I want to share with you this darling new image LiLi's Chalkboard, she will be AVAILABLE REAL SOON!!!! Wait until you feast your eyes on this BEAUTIFUL peak created by Cheryl today!!!!!

WOW Cheryl what a GORGEOUS card you have made here today using this sweetie!!!!! Isn't LiLi just sooo sweet??? There are many many things you could write on this chalkboard...:) Hope you enjoyed this peak today!! Make sure you check back tomorrow for another fun and fabby SNEAK PEAK!!!!

Have a GREAT Thursday everyone!!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sneak Peek Day 5

Good Morning Everyone, Its Wednesday and we have another FUN and FABULOUS Sneak Peek to share with you today!!! Wait until you feast your eyes on this darling NEW image LiLi's First Day of School she will also be AVAILABLE REALLY SOON!!! Our lovely Inkette Angela made this SWEET and DARLING creation today......... Hope you Enjoy!!!

WOW Angela you did such an AWESOME job with this cute little school gal!!! She definitely looks ready to go back to school!!!!

Hope you have enjoyed another Sneak Peek here with us today!! We will be showing you another FUN IMAGE here tomorrow...Make sure you stop back by for another fabulous Sneak Peek!!! Have a great Wednesday everyone!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sneak Peek Day 4

Good Morning Everyone, Happy Tuesday!!!! I hope everyone is having a great week so far!!!! WOOOHOO Guess What???? We have another Fabulous Sneak Peek to share with you today!!!!! I can't believe it is day four already!!!! I hope you have enjoyed all these great peeks from the Inkettes......We have really enjoyed sharing these fun new images with you!!!

Wait until you feast your eyes on this new cutie AVAILABLE REALLY SOON!!! This is Miss LiLi and Her Pumpkin....... Today this fabulous creation is created by Piali. Hope you Enjoy!!!

WOWZA Piali you sure did an AWESOME job with this cutie!! Isn't Lili just SOOOO SWEET and she is definitely ready for Fall.

Make sure you stop back tomorrow for another fun sneak peek!!!! Have a great day everyone!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Sneak Peek Day Number 3

Good Morning Everyone, Happy Monday!!!! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!!!! WOOOHOO Guess What???? We have another Fabulous Sneak Peek to share with you today!!!!! Well we have showed you a back to school girl and a fall girl...HMMMM I think its now time to show you a HALLOWEEN Cutie..... OOO wait until you feast your eyes on this new image AVAILABLE REALLY SOON!!! Today this fun sneak peek is created by me (Crystal).......This is Nickie The Sweet Witch!!!

Hope you enjoyed my creation today!!!! Are you getting excited for this new release yet???? Make sure you stop back by tomorrow for another fabulous sneak peek created by one of our talented Inkettes!!!! Have a GREAT Monday everyone!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sneak Peek Day Number 2

Good Morning Everyone, Happy Sunday!!!! I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend so far!!! WOOOHOO We have another Fabulous Sneak Peek to share with you today!!!!! HMMMM What could we be showing you today?? Something Fallish Maybe??? OOO wait until you feast your eyes on this new image AVAILABLE REALLY SOON!!! Today this fabulous creation was created by Kim using this DARLING NEW IMAGE Lili........ and she is playing in the leaves.....

WOW Kim you sure did such an AWESOME job!!! Isn't she just toooo sweet and soooo beautiful????

Make sure you stop back by tomorrow for another FABULOUS Sneak Peek!!!! I hope everyone enjoys the rest of your weekend!!!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sneak Peeks Start Today and Our New Guest Designer

Good Morning Everyone, Happy Saturday!!!!! Guess what today is??? This is a very exciting day for us here at Inky Impressions.....Sneak peeks start today!!!! WOOHOO!!! Everyday for the next 7 days you will be seeing fabulous creations from our amazing Inkettes of new Inky stamps that will be AVAILABLE REALLY SOON!!!! Wait until you feast your eyes on this new image that Pam Sparks has used today!!!! Her name is Nickie and she is Running Late For School!!! Hope you Enjoy!!!

WOW Pam you sure did an AMAZING job!!! Isn't she just AWESOME!!!! Make sure you check back tomorrow for another FABULOUS SNEAK PEEK!!!! There are lots more to come!!!!

Our next Inky Business is announcing our NEW GUEST DESIGN TEAM MEMBER!!! First I want to say thank you to all of those who applied and joined in our challenge this week. Nicole (Inky's Mama) had a tough decision to each of the easels were amazing!!!

So please welcome our NEXT Guest Designer Team Member

Kerri Michaud

WOOOHOO Congrats Kerri!!!! We are sooo happy to have you aboard!!! Please contact me at for all your GDT info!!!

Here is the BEAUTIFUL and CREATIVE Easel Card Kerri made for the challenge..........

Thanks so much for stopping by today and see you tomorrow for another FUN SNEAKY PEEKY!!!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Inky Impressions is BACK from Summer Break

Good Morning Happy Friday!!! I hope everyone had a WONDERFUL summer. We are getting ready to kick off Inky Impressions return with a BRAND NEW FALL RELEASE.... Make sure you stay tuned this will all be happening THIS MONTH!!!! Oh my word you are going to LOVE these new cuties and love what the fabulous Inkettes are going to show you!!!!

Speaking of the Inkettes I wanted to ANNOUNCE that we have a NEW design team for this upcoming big event!!!

Please welcome our New Inkettes........

Crystal Irwin - Senior Design Team Leader
Angela Wood - Design Team Coordinator
Cheryl Walker - Designer
Pam Sparks - Designer
Cabio Tse - Guest Designer
Danni Bindel - Guest Designer
Kimberly Gruetzmacher - Guest Designer
Piali Biswas - Guest Designer

If you have a moment check out their blogs and give them a huge welcome....WOW what a fabulous group of talented ladies and I am really thrilled to be working with each of them.....

Would you like a chance to be a GUEST DESIGNER for Inky Impressions???? Would you like to join us in our NEW FALL RELEASE BLOG HOP and Design for one month????...... Here is your chance to.......

This week we are having a GUEST DESIGN TEAM CHALLENGE. All you have to do is MAKE AN EASEL CARD using an Inky Impressions Image..... and link it here for your chance to join us for a month.......

You will have until Friday September 10th Midnight Eastern Time to join in the challenge the lucky winner or winners will be announced Saturday September 11th!!!!!

Here are a few samples to get your creative juices flowing..............






We can't wait to see what you create!!!! You may enter as many Inky Easels as you would like but please only join this challenge if you would like to be a GUEST DESIGNER!!!

Good Luck to everyone, and stayed tuned for some sneak peeks of this FABULOUS NEW RELEASE!!!!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)