
Friday, September 17, 2010

Sneak Peek Day 7

Good Morning Everyone, Happy Friday!!!!! Hope everyone has had a wonderful week!!! Its time for another fun and fabulous SNEAK PEEK!!! Today I am sharing with you a BEAUTIFUL creation made by Danni, she used the DARLING image LiLi's First Day of School..AVAILABLE SOON...Hope you enjoy your peek today!!!

WOW Danni!!!! What a beautiful card you have created for us!!!! I just LOVE this image and I just can't get enough of her!!!!

Hope you enjoyed this peek today and make sure you stop back tomorrow for our LAST day of sneak peeks. I will be announcing the Release Date Tomorrow......Hope to see you then!!!

Have a GREAT Friday Everyone!!!


  1. This is soooo darling Danni, WOW what a BEAUTIFUL job you did with your creation.....I LOVE this image and you colored her perfectly!!! Thank you for a GREAT sneak peek!!!

  2. Oh, I just love this!!! What a gorgeous card! I love the colors and coloring~Lili looks absolutely adorable!!!:)

  3. Gorgeous Danni, gorgeous colouring, lovely layout, take careX:)

  4. Oh wow Danni this is GORGEOUS hun! Absolutely stunning!!! Lili looks GREAT...your coloring is super! Love it!
    Hugs~ Kim

  5. Oh Danni, your softness of coloring looks awesome with this adorable image :o)

  6. HOLY SMOKES DANNI!!!! I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE HER!!!

    Your coloring, the layout of the card, and the colors you used are fab! But I especially love the shadow you did behind her......

    So pretty Danni! Thanks so much for sharing your peek with all of us!


    Nicole :)


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